Subnautica Console Commands and Cheats for PC (2024)

In this Subnautica Console Commands Guide, we have listed all of the Console Commands that have been developed for Subnautica. Just like any other RPG game, Subnautica also has many Console Commands that will allow you to alter the game codes to turn the game in your favor.

Subnautica has been in early access for a long time but now it is out of Early Access and we finally have the full game. Subnautica features a rich underwater world full of fascination and discovery.

You are put in the flippers of a lone spaceship crash survivor who must adapt and survive in the hostile underwater environment of Subnautica. Developed by Unknown Worlds Entertainment, Subnautica is a stellar survival RPG set in the depths of vast oceans full of life.

How to Enable Console

Before you can enter any Console Command, you must access the Command Console. To access it, you need to first enable it from the game settings. Press ‘F3’ to open a Sub-Menu and then press ‘F8’ to free the mouse. This will enable you to uncheck and check items on the menu.

Now uncheck ‘Disable Console’ and press ‘F8’ and ‘F3’ again to close the Menu. The Console Menu is now accessible by pressing the (~) key. Every time you start the game, you will be required to follow this procedure to enable the Command Console. Once the Command Console is accessible, you can use the below commands for their respective functions.

Teleportation Commands

These Console Commands allow you to travel to a specific location of your choice.

Console CommandsEffects
biome [name]safe (Lifepod crash location in Safe Shallows)kelpkelp_cavegrassygrassy_cavemushroommushroom_cavekooshkoosh_cavejellyshroomsparsereefgrandreefdunesmountainsmoutains_cavedeepgrandbloodkelpunderislandssmokersinactivelavartislandstreelostriverlavazoneEnter the name of the biome from the below list to travel to that specific location.
goto [name]This command will teleport you to the location chosen. When you type ‘goto’ and press enter, you will be shown a list of locations available. Choose one to teleport there instantly.
warp [x] [y] [z]Similar to ‘goto’ but more specific. Enter coordinates with this command and you will travel to exactly those coordinates anywhere on the map.
warpforward [meters]Enter a number to warp to an area right in front of you with this command.
batch [x][y][z]This command will wrap the player forward according to the inputs. Y is the sea-level while z is the centre of the map.
warpmeWith this command, you will be warped to the last base or vehicle that you accessed.
spawnnearbyUse this command to respawn anywhere near your location if you become stuck.
randomstart — Plops you onto the lifepod at one of its start locationsThis command will take you to a lifepod at any of its start location.
killThis command will kill you and spawn at the lifepod.

Spawning Items

These Console Commands are useful if you wish to spawn specific items.

In addition to this, there are some Console Commands for some effects that include inventory management, etc.

Console CommandsEffects
item [item] [number]This command will add the item in the quantity, which you will specify in the command to your inventory.
spawn [item] [number]With this command, you can spawn any item or creature in any number you want near you. Simply enter the name and number you want to spawn with the command.
clearinventoryUse this command to delete everything from your inventory if it is full of junk.
sub cyclopsThis command will spawn the Cyclops near you. Make sure you are in an open area as Cyclops is huge.
sub auroraUsing this command, you can spawn the Aurora behind you.
sub escapepodThis command will spawns a new Lifepod 5 at sea level somewhere within the safe shallows and places the player inside.
filterwaterThis command instantly fabricates a Large Filtered Water through every Water Filtration Machine on the map.
filtersaltThis command will instantly fabricate salt through Water Filtration Machine.
seaglideThis command will spawn a Seaglide near you.
vehicleupgradesUsing this command, you can unlock all common vehicle modules.
cyclopsupgradesPlayer will get every Cyclops module.
seamothupgradesThis command will give you all Seamoth modules.
exosuitupgradesUsing this command, you can unlock all Prawn Suit modules.
exosuitarmsThis command will unlock all Prawn Suit arms for you to use.
spawnlootThis command will spawn some loot near you including quartz, copper ore, magnesium, salt deposit, gold, and four metal salvage.
madlootThis command will add glass, titanium, computer chips, batteries, a survival knife, a habitat builder, and a scanner to your inventory.
tools lootThis command spawns some of the tools including Repair Tool, Seaglide, Flare, Transfuser, Propulsion Cannon, Stasis Rifle. It also tries to spawn a “Buildpot”.
resourcesfor [item]If you are building something and are short on resources for it, using this command will give you all the required materials for that item. You only need to know the name of the item.
ency [name]This command will allow you to unlock a specific data entry if you know its name. Using all will unlock all data entries.
damage [number]This will set the damage multiplier to the choice of the player.
takedamage [number]This command will cause damage equal to the number in the brackets with the max value being 100.
instagibIt will toggle instagib mode.
dig [number]This command will remove all terrain within a diameter of specific meters mentioned in the command.
unlock [blueprint]This command allows you to choose a specific blueprint to unlock. You can enter any blueprint name in this command to unlock it.
unlockallThis command will unlock all blueprints so you can construct any item you want.
bobthebuilderThis command adds some basic construction tools to your inventory such as habitat builder, survival knife, scanner and repair tool. It also enable some extra features to help in quickly constructing items.
fastgrowThis command will make plants grow fast.
nocostThis command will make all objects free to construct. You will not require any items for them.
nodamageThis command will make all creatures invincible.
noenergyWith this command enabled, none of your vehicles will require any power.
nosurvivalYou will not get hungry or thirsty when you use this command.
oxygenThis command will give you unlimited oxygen.
nitrogenThis command will allow you to stay more time underwater but will increase chances for decompression sickness.
invisibleThis command will make you invisible to the eyes of all creatures and they will ignore you.
fastbuildThis command will enable you to build modules instantly at the habitat builder.
fasthatchUse this command to quickly hatch all eggs.
fastscanThis command will reduce the time it takes to scan an object.
filterfastThis command with reduce the time it takes to filter water.
radiationThis command will disable all radiation in the game.
fixleaksUse this command to seal all radiation leaks in Aurora.
leakThis will create leaks inside every cyclops on the map.
floodThis will flood every cyclops on the map.
damagesubThis will damage every cyclops on the map.
destroycyclopsThis will destroy every cyclops on the map.
restorecyclopsEvery cyclops wreck will be made functional but damaged.
vfx cyclopssmokeeffect (value)This will generate Cyclops smoke effect with values ranging from 0 to 1
bubblesThis will spawn bubbles around everyone.
unlockdoorsThis command will unlock all doors. Doors requiring laser cutter will need to be opened separately.
cure [range]Insert any number in this command to cure all creatures in the specified radius around you.
infect [range]Insert any number in this command to infect all creatures in the specified radius around you.
lldetachThis command will detach all larva from any vehicle.
Playerinfection [range]This command changes the player’s infection stage(1-5) with 5 value curing the player.
countdownshipThis command will start the Aurora countdown timer.
explodeshipUse this command to blow up the Aurora.
restoreshipThis command will un-blow the Aurora.
startsunbeamstoryeventTo start the Sunbeam story event, you can use this command.
sunbeamcountdownstartThis command will initiate the Sunbeam countdown.
precursorgunaimThis command destroys the Sunbeam.
playsunbeamfcThis command plays the entire Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event.
InfectionrevealThis command makes the players realize that he has been affected with Kharaa Bacterium and advances the player’s infection to stage 4.
forcerocketreadyThis command will launch the escape rocket without actually disabling the quarantine enforcement platform.

Game Conditions Console Commands

You can change the game mode by entering the name of the mode in the Command Console.

Four game modes are creative, freedom, survival and hardcore.

Console CommandsEffects
dayUse this command to change the time of day-to-day.
nightUse this command to change the time of day to night.
daynight[number]This command will set a specific time with 0 representing midnight, 0.5 is used for midday and 0.15 is used for dawn.
daynightspeed [number]This command will let you set the speed of the day and night cycle. You can increase or decrease at will.
debugstarmapAll possible Lifepod spawn locations will be displayed as a small black cube.
cinematicsThis will toggle the animation for the player.
debugsoundThis will toggle sound.
speed [number]Use this command to set the game speed. You can increase and decrease the game speed at will.
entreset — reload all assets, except terrainThis command will reload all assets except terrain. This is useful if you encounter any loading problems.
gameresetUse this command to quickly load your last save game.
farplane [#]You can use this command to set a view distance. For reference, the default value is 1000.
fogYou can toggle fog on and off with this command.
fov[number]This command will toggle camera zoom of the player between 5-60 with 60 being the default value.
freecamThis command allows you to move the camera around freely.
fpsThis command will display on-screen FPS and some other nerdy stats.
nobloomIt will remove the bloom.
noshadowsIt will remove shadows
printbiomeIt will show the biome of the player on the screen.
resetachievementsIt will reset all achievements in the Steam version.
spawnperf [x][y][z]It teleports the player to the given coordinates and also spawns precursor structures and pieces of the aurora at the location.
targetIt will toggle target debug
schoolfishaiIt will toggle the AI of the Shoal of Fish
vrAvailable VR options are None, Stereo, Split, Oculus and Morpheus.
sizerefThis command will spawn a diver model near you.
vsyncThis will toggle the Vsync setting on and off.
Subnautica Console Commands and Cheats for PC (2024)
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