Subnautica How to Get Depth Module Mk1: Ultimate Guide (2024)

To get the Depth Module Mk1 in Subnautica, you must first find and scan the blueprint in wrecks located in the Mushroom Forest or Grassy Plateaus biomes. Subnautica is an immersive underwater survival game where players must explore the depths of an alien planet.

As you progress in the game, exploring new biomes and uncovering wrecks becomes crucial. One of the essential items to find is the Depth Module Mk1. This module allows your submarine to dive deeper into the underwater world, opening up new areas to explore and resources to gather.

To obtain the Depth Module Mk1, you’ll need to search wrecks specifically found in the Mushroom Forest or Grassy Plateaus biomes. Once you’ve located a wreck, scan the blueprint to unlock the module and upgrade your submarine’s diving capabilities.

Understanding The Depth Module Mk1

The Depth Module Mk1 is a crucial upgrade for your submarine in the popular underwater survival game Subnautica. This module enables your submarine to dive to greater depths, opening up new areas to explore and discover in the vast oceanic world of Subnautica.

What Is The Depth Module Mk1?

The Depth Module Mk1 is an upgrade for your submarine that allows it to withstand greater pressures and reach deeper depths in Subnautica. Once installed, this module enhances the submersible’s structural integrity, enabling it to explore depths that were previously inaccessible. With this module, you can safely descend into deeper zones, uncover hidden resources, and encounter new and mysterious marine life.

Why Is The Depth Module Mk1 Important In Subnautica?

The Depth Module Mk1 plays a pivotal role in your progress through the game. As you venture further into the ocean depths, you’ll encounter unique and valuable resources, such as rare minerals and materials necessary for crafting advanced equipment and upgrades. Without the Depth Module Mk1, your submarine won’t be able to withstand the pressure at these lower depths, limiting your exploration and resource-gathering capabilities.

By acquiring and installing the Depth Module Mk1, you’ll significantly expand your exploration possibilities and increase your chances of survival. It is a vital tool that allows you to reach hidden areas, discover new biomes, and unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean’s surface in Subnautica.

Benefits Of Upgrading Your Submarine With The Depth Module Mk1

Upgrading your submarine with the Depth Module Mk1 provides several advantages:

  1. Deeper Exploration: With the Depth Module Mk1, you can access deeper zones and explore new biomes, uncovering unique flora, fauna, and geological formations that were previously out of reach.
  2. Resource Gathering: Lower depths in Subnautica harbor a wealth of valuable resources. By diving deeper with the Depth Module Mk1, you’ll have access to rare minerals and materials needed for crafting advanced equipment and upgrades.
  3. Improved Survival: As you progress through the game, challenges become more formidable. The Depth Module Mk1 ensures your safety by allowing you to traverse dangerous deep-sea environments with reduced risk and enhanced maneuverability.
  4. Progression: Acquiring the Depth Module Mk1 takes you one step further in the game’s storyline. It opens up new quests, blueprints, and objectives, guiding you toward uncovering the secrets hidden beneath Subnautica’s vast ocean.

By investing in the Depth Module Mk1 for your submarine, you empower yourself to delve deeper into Subnautica’s immersive world, discover its wonders, and overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

Unlocking Blueprint For The Depth Module Mk1

Getting deeper into the mysterious underwater world of Subnautica requires upgrading your Seamoth with the essential Depth Module Mk1. This blueprint allows you to explore even greater depths and uncover the secrets that lie beyond. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to unlock the blueprint and assemble the Depth Module Mk1, enabling you to dive to new depths and discover hidden wonders.

Exploring The Aurora Wreck For The Blueprint Fragments

Step 1: Begin your quest by venturing to the wreckage of the crashed starship, Aurora. Located northwest of your Lifepod, this massive structure is a treasure trove of valuable resources and technology.

Step 2: Dive into the depths near the Aurora and search for fragments of the Depth Module Mk1. These fragments can be found scattered throughout the wreckage. Keep an eye out for the distinct blueprint fragments with yellow highlights, as they are the key to unlocking the blueprint.

Step 3: Carefully explore Aurora’s various compartments, including the cargo bay, engine room, and living quarters, to increase your chances of finding the required fragments. Some fragments may be partially buried or hidden behind debris, so be thorough in your search. Stay alert for any dangerous creatures that may lurk within the wreckage.

Crafting The Mobile Vehicle Bay

Step 4: Once you have collected all the necessary blueprint fragments, it’s time to put them to good use. To unlock the Depth Module Mk1 blueprint, you must first acquire the Mobile Vehicle Bay blueprint. This crucial tool allows you to construct vehicles and essential upgrades.

Step 5: Gather the required resources, including Titanium Ingot, Lubricant, and Power Cell, to craft the Mobile Vehicle Bay. Refer to the crafting menu for the exact quantities needed.

Step 6: Find a suitable location near your base or the wreckage of the Aurora to deploy the Mobile Vehicle Bay. Once placed, interact with the Bay to open the crafting submenu. Locate the Depth Module Mk1 blueprint among the available options.

Assembling The Depth Module Mk1

Step 7: With the Depth Module Mk1 blueprint unlocked, it’s time to gather the necessary resources to assemble this game-changing upgrade for your Seamoth.

Step 8: Gather resources such as Plasteel Ingot, Enameled Glass, and a Computer Chip. Keep in mind that some of these resources may require additional crafting steps or exploration.

Step 9: Once you have acquired all the required resources, access the Modification Station, a crucial tool for upgrading your vehicles. Inside the station’s interface, locate the Depth Module Mk1 and select it.

Step 10: Follow the on-screen instructions to craft and install the Depth Module Mk1 onto your Seamoth. You will now be able to explore deeper depths with increased confidence and efficiency.

Congratulations! You have successfully unlocked the blueprint for the Depth Module Mk1 and assembled this vital upgrade for your Seamoth. Dive into the depths of Subnautica and uncover the wonders that await you.

Gathering Resources For The Depth Module Mk1

Gathering resources for the Depth Module Mk1 in Subnautica is a crucial step in enhancing your exploring capabilities in the game. The Depth Module Mk1 is an essential upgrade that allows your submarines to reach greater depths, opening up new areas and resources for you to discover. In this section, we will discuss how to locate and collect the required resources, provide tips for efficient resource gathering, and offer guidance on avoiding dangers while gathering resources.

Locating And Collecting The Required Resources

In order to obtain the Depth Module Mk1, you will need to gather several key resources. These resources can be found in various locations and biomes within the game. Here are the resources you will need to collect:

TitaniumWreckages, Limestone Outcrops20
LeadSandstone Outcrops4
QuartzSandstone Outcrops3
RubyDeep Grand Reef, Sea Treader’s Path2

To collect these resources, explore wreckages and search for Limestone Outcrops to gather Titanium. Look for Sandstone Outcrops to obtain Lead and Quartz. For Rubies, venture into the Deep Grand Reef or the Sea Treader’s Path. Remember to equip yourself with a good supply of oxygen tanks and tools such as the Scanner to assist you in locating these resources efficiently.

Tips For Efficient Resource Gathering

  • Plan your resource-gathering trips by identifying the areas where the required resources are abundant. This will save you time and effort in searching for them randomly.
  • Use the Scanner to identify suitable locations for resource gathering. It can help you locate specific minerals and materials more efficiently.
  • Consider building a base near resource-rich areas to establish a convenient outpost for gathering resources. This allows for easier storage and crafting.
  • Prioritize collecting the resources needed for the Depth Module Mk1 to ensure steady progress in the game.
  • Make use of beacons or markers to remember important locations and mark resource-rich areas for future reference.

Avoiding Dangers While Gathering Resources

  1. Be cautious of aggressive creatures that may inhabit the areas where resources are located. Utilize defensive tools and equipment, such as the Stasis Rifle or Repulsion Cannon, to fend off or deter hostile creatures.
  2. Pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of potential environmental hazards, such as dangerous flora or geothermal vents.
  3. Always carry a first aid kit and a sufficient supply of food and water to sustain yourself during resource-gathering expeditions.
  4. Consider upgrading your Seamoth or Prawn Suit with defensive capabilities to enhance your safety while venturing into more dangerous areas.

By following these strategies for gathering resources, you will be well-prepared to obtain the required materials for the Depth Module Mk1 in Subnautica. Remember to stay vigilant, plan your trips effectively, and utilize the resources and tools at your disposal to optimize your resource-gathering efforts.

Subnautica How to Get Depth Module Mk1: Ultimate Guide (1)

Installing The Depth Module Mk1

One of the most exciting and crucial upgrades you can make to your submarine in Subnautica is installing the Depth Module Mk1. This module allows you to explore the depths of the ocean, reaching previously inaccessible areas and uncovering new resources and creatures. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of finding an appropriate location on your submarine for installation, providing a step-by-step guide to installing the module, and explaining how to test its functionality.

Finding An Appropriate Location On Your Submarine For Installation

Before you begin installing the Depth Module Mk1, it’s important to find an appropriate location on your submarine. This location needs to accommodate the module and ensure it doesn’t interfere with other essential components. Here’s what you need to consider:

  1. Choose a flat surface: Look for a flat area on your submarine where the module can be securely attached. This will ensure a stable installation.
  2. Avoid obstructing hatches or entryways: Make sure the Depth Module Mk1 doesn’t obstruct any hatches or entryways, as this can impede your ability to move in and out of your submarine quickly.
  3. Consider proximity to power sources: Install the module near a power source, such as a Power Cell Charger, to ensure easy access and constant power supply.
  4. Protection from damage: Position the Depth Module Mk1 in a location that offers some protection from potential damage, such as collisions with underwater hazards.

Step-by-step Guide To Installing The Depth Module Mk1

Now that you’ve found the perfect location on your submarine, it’s time to install the Depth Module Mk1. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful installation:

  1. Access the modification station: Locate your submarine’s modification station and approach it.
  2. Open the modification interface: Interact with the modification station’s console to open the modification interface.
  3. Select the Depth Module Mk1: From the list of available upgrades, locate and select the Depth Module Mk1.
  4. Confirm installation: Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the installation of the Depth Module Mk1. This will consume the necessary resources from your inventory.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete: Once you’ve confirmed the installation, patiently wait for the modification station to complete the process. This may take a few moments.
  6. Verify successful installation: After the installation is complete, double-check that the Depth Module Mk1 is properly installed on your submarine.

How To Test The Functionality Of The Depth Module Mk1

It’s important to test the functionality of the Depth Module Mk1 before venturing into the deep ocean. Follow these steps to ensure it’s working correctly:

  1. Monitor depth display: Observe the depth display on your submarine’s control panels. As you increase or decrease the submarine’s depth, the display should accurately reflect the changes.
  2. Listen for warning sounds: If the Depth Module Mk1 is malfunctioning, your submarine may emit warning sounds. Pay attention to these auditory cues and investigate any issues before embarking on long journeys.
  3. Perform test dives: Dive to different depths to test the functionality of the Depth Module Mk1. Take note of any anomalies or unexpected behavior and address them promptly.

With the Depth Module Mk1 properly installed and tested, you can now explore the depths of Subnautica’s ocean with confidence and curiosity. Enjoy your new capabilities and the thrilling discoveries that await you!

Exploring New Depths With The Depth Module Mk1

Subnautica is an immersive underwater adventure game that allows players to explore a vast and mysterious ocean world. As you dive deeper into the depths, you will encounter stunning biomes, discover valuable resources, and face new challenges that test your survival skills. To help you navigate these uncharted territories, the Depth Module Mk1 becomes an essential tool. In this blog post, we will delve into how this module enhances your underwater exploration, enables you to discover new biomes and resources, and equips you to deal with the challenges that come with venturing into greater depths.

How The Depth Module Mk1 Enhances Your Underwater Exploration

The Depth Module Mk1 is a game-changer when it comes to exploring the mesmerizing depths of the ocean in Subnautica. With this module installed in your Seamoth or Cyclops, you can dive deeper than ever before, unlocking a whole new world of possibilities. Let’s take a look at how this module enhances your underwater exploration:

  • Increases Depth Limit: The Depth Module Mk1 significantly increases the depth limit of your vehicle, allowing you to access previously unreachable areas. This means you can explore deeper trenches, uncover hidden caves, and uncover secrets that were once beyond your reach.
  • Expands Exploration Range: By expanding your depth range, the module expands your exploration range as well. You can now venture into brand-new biomes, each with its own unique flora, fauna, and breathtaking landscapes.
  • Enhances Scouting Ability: As you dive deeper, you’ll be able to scan and catalog new species of marine life, expanding your knowledge of the ocean’s biodiversity. The Depth Module Mk1 empowers you to explore and study with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Discovering New Biomes And Resources

The world beneath the surface of Subnautica is teeming with awe-inspiring biomes and valuable resources waiting to be discovered. With the capabilities of the Depth Module Mk1, your exploration endeavors become more fruitful and rewarding. Here’s how:

New BiomesNew Resources
  • The Grand Reef
  • The Lost River
  • The Inactive Lava Zone
  • Ion Cubes
  • Kyanite
  • Crystalline Sulfur

These are just a few examples amongst many new biomes and resources that become accessible with the Depth Module Mk1. Each new biome holds its own surprises; stunning visuals, fascinating flora and fauna, and sometimes even the remnants of long-forgotten civilizations. Furthermore, the deeper you go, the more valuable and vital resources you’ll find to aid your progress, crafting, and survival.

Dealing With New Challenges At Greater Depths

As you dive deeper into Subnautica’s vast ocean, new challenges await at each level of descent. The Depth Module Mk1 prepares you to tackle these challenges head-on. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Increased Environmental Pressures: The deeper you explore, the more intense the environmental pressures become. With the Depth Module Mk1, your vehicle is equipped to withstand these pressures, ensuring your safety and allowing you to continue your underwater adventure without hesitation.
  • Aggressive Fauna: New depths bring forth aggressive predators and creatures with unique behavioral patterns. The Depth Module Mk1 empowers you to face these challenges and navigate through their territories, providing you with a higher chance of survival.
  • Material Scarcity: With greater depths, the availability of essential resources becomes scarcer. However, the Depth Module Mk1 enables you to dive deep and find rare resources required for advanced crafting and upgrading your equipment.

With the Depth Module Mk1, you can rise to the occasion and conquer the challenges of the deep, unlocking new horizons and unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath.


To summarize, obtaining the Depth Module Mk1 in Subnautica is essential for exploring the depths of the underwater world. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully acquire this valuable upgrade for your submarine. With increased diving capabilities, you can delve into previously uncharted territories, encountering new creatures and discovering hidden treasures.

Dive deeper into Subnautica with the Depth Module Mk1 and unlock a whole new level of adventure.

Subnautica How to Get Depth Module Mk1: Ultimate Guide (2024)
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